Saturday, November 04, 2006

Meet Ruby..

This is what I gave for gas today AND.. THIS is what I'm now putting it in... This is my Ruby... Yayyyyyyyy...


At 9:50 PM EST, Blogger Tammy Yells back!

Nice Car!! I paid a 1.98 today!!

At 1:57 AM EST, Blogger Aye Yells back!

Cool, now you have a car where the window rolls down for taking pics now??? What is that, a Dodge neon??? We had a couple of those as rentals when we went on our Hawaii trip, nice little cars. Best I've gotten for gas recently was 2.28+9/10 (I hate that 9/10ths bullshit) but I notice prices up some this weekend, I'm thinking likely because of an oil extraction tax proposition on Tuesday's ballot. I've got a post on that congealing in my mind, hopefully I get it out before voting day. Congrts on the new car!!!

At 4:11 AM EST, Blogger Granny Yells back!

Hey Eyeball.. Thanks. $2.35 wow, I remember when I thought that was cheap..

Wow Tam.. I doubt I will see it that cheap here in Florida. Fact is, station I got it at last week for $2.04 was $2.11 this week..grrrrr..

Hey Aye, yeah..she's a Dodge Neon. Funny you would say that about the windows. I just took a pic outta mine

At 7:25 PM EST, Blogger Lilly Yells back!

Ruby is sooo purdy!!!

At 5:47 AM EST, Blogger Granny Yells back!

Frank Ya, Frank Ya..I'ma lovein muh Ruby...

At 6:56 PM EST, Blogger Memphis Yells back!

Ruby looks like a Dodge.


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