In this life I'm a woman. In the next life, I'd like to come back as a bear.. When your a bear, you get to hibernate.. You do nothing but sleep for six months... I could deal with that!
Before you hibernate, your suppose to eat yourself stupid.. I could deal with that too!
When your a girl bear, you birth your children (who are the size of walnuts) while your sleeping and wake up to partially grown, cute, cuddly cubs... I could definitely deal with that!!
If your mama bear, everyone knows you mean business... You swat anyone that bothers your cubs... If your cubs get out of line, you swat them too... I could deal with that!
If your a bear, your mate EXPECTS you to wake up growling. He EXPECTS that you will have hairy legs and excess body fat.
Yup! Gonna be a bear!
GONNA be a bear? um, excuse me, but i think you are ALREADY a bear!
I'm coming back as a penguin.
A few other things to sweeten the deal for ya:
Under most circumstances, bears live as lone individuals.
Bears will stay with the same mate from a few days to several weeks. No long term commitments!!!
One downside I found: The number of cubs a female will have increases, as she gets older. Can you imagine??? How many would you be having by now??? LOL!!!
OK, off to find interesting penguin facts...
Denomite post!
Where will you get your nails done?
I normally go to, 'Bear Care'
LMFAO @ Bear Care..
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