I may put my left shoe on first and you may put your right one on first...I may eat and write right handed, you may eat and write with your left... I put my left leg in my panty hose first, you may put your right one in first...
I may post something here concerning the voices in my head that speak to me..You may take it as meaning something directly to you..
I am no different than you...My heart beats, my blood runs ...I don't wake up feeling wonderful everyday, do you?? I get upset at times knowing I can't share these feelings I have with a live voice...I also get upset when I do care to jot down my feelings here, for some reason, some people think it it totally about them...
Would seem that those of you that read my blog or comments anywhere would know I have no problem pointing out and bringing attention to said person...IF there is said person... I don't always feel like ha ha ing.... Is there a blog law against that??
There are times that I don't feel like (ha ha ing) either, but I am certain that we can all relate to that. Life is difficult sometimes and we need to express how we are feeling, if even through written word on a blog, many times because even if there were a live voice, what you had to say could hurt or bring turmoil.
There is no blog law stating that you must present yourself ever happy and dripping with sunshine. If you are down, blog it.. If you are hurt, blog it.. If you are frightened, blog it.. If you are happy, blog that too. We as humans have many different emotions, our blogs do too. Are they not an extension of ourselves, put into words as a means to air how we feel?
Hi Serenity...and, yes.. But the issue I seem to be haveing right now, other than wanting to scream or punch something is this...
When I blog...No matter WHAT I put there...whether it be a word, a picture of words etc...It is not necessarily and most often,~ NOT AT ALL~ directed to someone in particular...Hey! I'm human.. I breathe, I laugh, I cry...I don't know how some can decipher a pic or a post as personal...It would be like me going over to your blog and seeing that turtle and thinking ..." Oh Shit,she thinks I'm slow"! Shit, I have enough goin on in this pea brain without worrying if someone is going to think my posts are all about them or, that I'm sending some sort of mssg. through pics etc...
Anyhow, I'm not haveing a good one but I hope to snap outta it...xoxo later...
*looks through the blog statutes*
well, it seems that there has not been a precedent set on this matter as of yet granny. wanna take it to blog court? I'll be your lawyer. I think we could win.
Gather the evidensce counselor...
WTF is, * evidensce*??
I make a motion to strike that word from my sentance...
damit, you cannot make motions, i have to. besides, we haven't picked a jury yet, so no worries, mate.
Oh, ok I get it...so when you refer to a controversial post by making the comment.."lets see how many posts I get" You are not meaning how many friends will comment on that post?
Oh, Ok. That is what I thought you meant. Now I see that you meant how many posts or comments you will get from the person you are making the pic/post about.....oh I see.
It's amazing how misunderstandings often happen in the land of Blog. Go ahead and re-post your pic Gran, I understand it now. You should always blog what you feel, I agree.
There was no way I thought that pic was about me! LMAO!!! And there was nothing in my comment that indicated that. LMAO FOMCL!
How did you possibly get that out of my comment?
I gotsta go put me man suit on now, comb the hair on my face and put me bananna in me shorts!
Have a nice day!
Don't punch things Gran, life is too short... relax.
oh and btw...I didn't necessarily think this post had anything to do with me LOL...I was referring to the post you took down yesterday with my comment on it...I just didn't know where to post the above comment, (my first one)???? Cause you taking my comment down with the post too was puzzling?(yesterday)
It's hard to keep track of all this.
you know?
but again I agree with posting what you want. I use to post a lot of sad stuff and when others would say, "Get back to being funny!" It is hard to when all your feeling is way, way down.
But I love that I have blog friends that try to pick me up when I'm down...it's nice.
and the one's that understand too. Or try to help...it's a good feeling isn't it?
Counselor!! Prepare the jury!!
we have to file our complaint first... hmmm should we call it granny vs. the state of blogsville
claim interference in the mind of granny? or WHAT? ha!
Gran, that's all you have to say?
I have a copy of my original comment if it would please the court but I am not sure if Gran would allow it on again...I am sure that evidence would clear it all up.
Gran, you hurt my feelings and you are continuing to. I don't deserve that. I hope it makes you happy. I'm done.
Counselor yeah... Interference in the mind of Granny!
Mebbe it can be explained how some people know my mind and what I'm thinkin when I don't??
Pinky, I don't know what the hell your talking about...I'm ONCE AGAIN, on MY BLOG saying and doing what, I WANT..HAVEING FUN YO!!
Mebbe your readin to many e-mails from Susan or somethin, huh??
Far as your haveing saved that post, Steve showed me a long time ago that it would be in my own best interest to do just that...If I wanted it re-posted, I would have re-posted it...Does that make sense??
Anyhow, it will be good e-mail stuff fer ya ... SO, let's have some fucking fun and stop all the bullshit...
The papers have been drawn up and delivered counselor....Now what??
Has a judge been assigned?
Is there a statute of limitations or, WHAT, WHAT???
On your behalf, I made a deal with the state. So we will not be going to court.
From now on, you are free to post whatever you want to. The state has agreed that in fact, our claim that interferring with granny's mind is unconstitutional. Whether it is in blogsville or real life.
You win.
Now send me my damn fee.
Humbly thanks the court... *singing* " The mind is a horrible thing to waste"...
So, quit fuckin with mine while I'ma tryin ta use it...
Copyin off Monopoly money as we speak..Ummmm Lilly?? Whut wuz that fee again???
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I ain't no sidewalk lawyer honey...
send me THE MONEY.
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