Bobbit Hillbillies

Come and listen to my story 'bout a man named John..
A poor Ex-Marine with a little fraction gone-
It seems one night after getting with the wife
She Lopped off his Dong with the swipe of a knife...
PENIS, that is..
Clean Cut..
Missed His Nuts..
Well, the next thing you know there's a ginsu by his side
And Lorena's in the car taking Willie for a ride...
She soon got tired of her purple- headed friend
And tossed him out the window as she came around the bend...
CURVE, That is
Tossed The Nub
In The Shrub...
She went to the cops and confessed to the attack..
And they called out the hounds just to get his Weenie back..
They sniffed and they barked and they pointed "over there!"
To John Wayne's henry that was waving in the air..
FOUND, That is..
By a fence...
Now Peter and John couldn't stay apart to long..
So, a Dick Doc said, "Hey I can fix that dong."
A needle and a thread is all were gonna need...
And the whole world waited 'till they heard that Johnny peed..
WHIZZED, That is..
Even seam..
Straight stream...
Well he healed and he hardened and he took his case to court...
With a half-assed lawyer cause his assets came up short..
They cleared her of assult and acquitted him of rape...
And his pecker was the only thing they didn't show on tape..
VIDEO, That is...
Case Closed..
Ya'll sleep on your stomachs now...
Ya Hear..
The title alone was enough to make me cringe. Glad I had the, um, balls to keep reading tho, that was pretty funny!!!
Is that a squirrel nut? OMFG!
She went to jail about a year later for beating the crap out of her mom. She's a real sweety, that Lorena. I'm surprised they haven't given her her own cooking show or something on Bravo.
loved it!!
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